Contact Details
Please use this address for all correspondence with the Society:
Maple Lodge Conservation Society, c/o 84 Felbridge Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 2BJ
07580 535986
General Enquiries -
Membership -
Treasurer -
Conservation -
Events -
Sightings -
Social Media
The Society’s Facebook Page is used to post news & announcements and can be viewed by people who are not signed up to Facebook.
The Society also has a Facebook Group, Maple Lodge Forum, where people can post their latest sightings, thoughts, suggestions, questions and photographs and get replies from other members. This can only be seen by people signed up to Facebook, but this is free and really easy to do.
In addition, you can keep up-to-date with news, announcements and other items of interest by following us on Bluesky.
The Society's Flickr Group is used by members and visitors to post their photographs taken on the reserve.
Use of all the Society’s social media is covered by our Social Media Policy.